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Dear readers, 

We can say with certainty that NOW is the best time to use opportunities, to take action and improve your sales.

In 2011 we decided to make our (international) marketing knowledge and talents available to you. For this purpose, a marketing department has been set up within our institute to promote trade.


The main reason for us was, above all, not to tire people out by having to read all kinds of books from here to there, but to be very practical and focused and to work together, so that we come to an understanding of how to achieve (new) orders.

As part of our marketing department, we have extensive know-how in the field of strategic marketing. We would like to share our knowledge with you in various marketing sessions. Our previous experiences with customers have shown that a completely new revenue recognition could be achieved through this interactive approach. Our goal is to develop practical solutions. We want to avoid that you are overwhelmed with theoretical material. You should not feel like you have to wade through an entire library.

Our marketing product is designed to be used internationally. Because of our international experience, we can work with you to find solutions that connect with your people, product, operations and the market you are focused on. This international character is a unique feature of our marketing product. Of course, you also have the benefit of our skills here.

Giving this insight into how to get (new) orders is the greatest satisfaction for us as a marketing team.

Ask us about opportunities to be coached in different ways.

Our marketing department currently offers marketing sessions with additional coaching. Businesses that have made use of this opportunity, are very pleased with this service. 

Please feel free to contact us regarding Marketing and Coaching service. 

Institut für Europäische Wirtschaftsförderung / Instituut voor Europese Handelsbevordering / Institute for European Business Support / Институт Европейского экономического развития / Інститут Eвропейського економічного розвитку Instituto para el fomento del Comercio Europeo / Institut pour la promotion du commerce européenne Vertretungsberechtigte Personen:

Managing director Sietse Jan Holtrop, publisher and editorial responsibility: Institute for European Economic Development EWIV.  Register entries: Institute for European Economic Development, EWIV District Court Tostedt, HRA 121098.

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