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A distinction is made between five different areas, which can be implemented at local level, i.e. in Germany or at European level:


Do you sometimes not know which decision is the right one? Especially when making decisions related to a new, foreign market

European Business Support


EBS IV (and EBS IVa). The Institute for European Economic Development initiated the EBS (European Business Support) with the aim of helping small and medium-sized companies

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Marketing is an important tool to promote and expand your business by using practical solutions. 


A rating, or credit rating, is an assessment of the company creditworthiness. When rating, using mathematical-statistical methods

Institut für Europäische Wirtschaftsförderung / Instituut voor Europese Handelsbevordering / Institute for European Business Support / Институт Европейского экономического развития / Інститут Eвропейського економічного розвитку Instituto para el fomento del Comercio Europeo / Institut pour la promotion du commerce européenne Vertretungsberechtigte Personen:

Managing director Sietse Jan Holtrop, publisher and editorial responsibility: Institute for European Economic Development EWIV.  Register entries: Institute for European Economic Development, EWIV District Court Tostedt, HRA 121098.

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